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Acoustic Magic

Acoustic Magic is a privately held company, founded in 2000, located near Boston, with the objective of creating a family of array microphones with pickup range superior to conventional microphone technology.

Brown University spent many years working on array microphone technology, creating not only some intellectual property but a pool of array microphone PhD’s. Acoustic Magic licensed the technology, hired a few of the PhD’s, and launched the Voice Tracker™ I array microphone in 2002.

Since 2002, they have sold well in excess of 10,000 Voice Tracker™ I. This microphone, in spite of its technological sophistication, is incredibly reliable. In 2010 they created the Voice Tracker™ II, a smaller, sleeker version of the Voice Tracker™ I which was more easily portable. Additionally, the Voice Tracker™ II has a built-in high-performance acoustic echo canceler to enable conferencing with VoIP products that do not have robust acoustic echo canceler’s.